Ancestry Tracing Service Business Plan, Marketing Plan, How To Guide, and Funding Directory
The Ancestry Tracing Service Business Plan and Business Development toolkit features 18 different documents that you can use for capital raising or general business planning purposes. Our product line also features comprehensive information regarding to how to start an Ancestry Tracing Service business. All business planning packages come with easy-to-use instructions so that you can reduce the time needed to create a professional business plan and presentation.
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Product Specifications (please see images below):
With the advent of high-speed DNA sequencing, ancestry tracing services have become very popular. These businesses accept mailed in swabs of an individual’s DNA (usually from the cheek) and they are able to process with a general degree of certainty there lineage. These businesses have become very popular as Internet-based companies given the fact that there is usually a central lab that does the testing and collecting of samples. The startup cost associated with the business are somewhat high given the fact that an expansive online presence is needed as well as a substantial number of laboratory equipment is also required.
These businesses typically have startup cost ranging anywhere from $500,000 to $2 million depending on the initial scope and scale of the marketing campaign that will be used in conjunction with operations. About 25% of the aggregate capital source is typically used for the acquisition of tangible scientific equipment. The remaining capital is typically allocated towards marketing capital as well as general working capital. These businesses generate substantial gross margins from their services and they typically range anywhere from 70% to 85% depending on whether or not credit card fees as well as underlying testing supplies are considered as part of the cost of goods sold. These businesses are generally able to operate in a location that is somewhat rural or suburban and they do not need a very large physical presence.
Almost all financial institutions are willing to provide a substantial degree of capital support for these businesses given the fact that they are able to acquire a significant amount of scientific equipment with the money that is being sought. In many cases, the underlying marketing capital and working capital is provided either by the owner or from third-party investors. Of course, ancestry tracing service business plan is going to be required. This document should feature a three year profit and loss statement, cash analysis, balance sheet, breakeven analysis, and business ratios page. For the industry research portions business plan, ancestry tracing services that use DNA as the principal means of conducting these operations typically fall under general medical laboratories. Each year these businesses generate about $50 billion in revenue, provide jobs to about 350,000 people, and there are about 35,000 of these businesses in operation.
A moderate demographic analysis should be developed that will be used in conjunction with the marketing plan. This includes taking a look at the total population size, percentage of people that want to have a ancestry tracing completed, the amount of money they’re willing to spend on the services, and their general geographic location. The vast majority of people that use the services are typically located in suburban markets or major metropolitan areas. A competitive analysis should be included as well not only from the standpoint of third-party medical testing laboratories that can provide the services but also online platforms that are now marking the services to the general public.
In ancestry tracing service SWOT analysis is typically developed as well in conjunction with both the business plan and marketing plan. As relates to strengths, these businesses are relatively immune from negative changes in the economy and they generate very high gross margins. The barriers to entry are considered to moderately high. Additionally, these businesses do have access to capital given the fact that once profitable these companies can easily and aggressively expand. The vast majority of equipment that is going to be acquired by these businesses can typically be financed with traditional bank loans or secured lines of credit.
For weaknesses, given the ubiquitous nature of this technology there are now a number of services that offer ancestry tracing. As such, these businesses need to have economies of scales that they can effectively compete on different pricing points.
For opportunities, these businesses can expand not only by increasing the scope and scale their marketing campaigns but also providing additional services as well. At the onset of operations, many ancestry tracing services that have acquired DNA testing technology will frequently offer their services to area physicians, hospitals, and other organizations in order to boost their billable revenues.
For threats, outside of competitive threats the biggest issue faced by these businesses is that they need to have consistent and ongoing reinvestments into their technological infrastructures. As DNA testing equipment becomes less expensive while concurrently becoming better and better – it is imperative that the entrepreneur have the methodologies available to them in order to retain a competitive advantage.
In ancestry tracing service marketing plan also needs to be developed. As stated earlier, the vast majority of these firms operate substantially on an online capacity given that people from all over the country want to learn about their lineage. As such, a highly visible online platform that allows people to make arrangements for their DNA sample assessment should be available on the online platform. This website should go under go substantial search engine optimization, pay per click marketing, as well as be heavily tied in with social media platforms.
A third-party marketing firm is typically hired by these businesses given the fact that they do have a significant amount of startup costs. About 10% to 20% of most of these companies startup capital is allocated towards marketing costs.
Ancestry tracing services are going to remain popular given the fact that DNA can now be sequenced very quickly and with a strong degree of certainty as to where someone comes from. As such, this is very much a novelty business but many people feel that it is a necessity when learning about their background. These businesses will continue to remain popular and profitable in most economic climates. It is expected that competition will continually increase not only on a national level but also on a local and regional level as well as this technology is pervasive and can be used by any qualified scientists. While the ongoing operating expenses with these businesses can be somewhat high, they can be highly lucrative for an entrepreneur that knows how to market medical intense services to the general public.