Civil Engineering Firm Business Plan, Marketing Plan, How To Guide, and Funding Directory
The Civil Engineering Firm Business Plan and Business Development toolkit features 18 different documents that you can use for capital raising or general business planning purposes. Our product line also features comprehensive information regarding to how to start a Civil Engineering Firm business. All business planning packages come with easy-to-use instructions so that you can reduce the time needed to create a professional business plan and presentation.
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Civil engineering firms are extremely important in that they produce structures that are used by real estate developers as well as state and municipal agencies. With the issues that the infrastructure is having within theUnited States, the demand for quality civil engineering services has never been higher. These companies enjoy very high barriers to entry given the fact that a qualified professional engineer must be the one doing the developing of these projects. As such, and especially because a substantial amount of revenue comes from government agencies, these businesses are able to remain profitable and cash flow positive at all times.
The startup cost associated with the new civil engineering firm do vary greatly depending on the scope and scale of the business at the onset of operations. Typically, these businesses have a startup cost that range anywhere from $100,000 all the way to about $1 million depending on the number of staff engineers will be hired and the type of equipment that will be used in conjunction with operations. Smaller scale engineering firms that focus specifically on real estate development typically have lower startup costs. One of the key things to maintaining profitable operations is by hiring the most qualified engineers possible in order to provide a huge number of services to the business public. The typical clients of civil engineering firms include general contractors, real estate development firms, real estate investors, state agencies, and municipal agencies. The gross margins generated from revenues are about 90%.
A civil engineering firm SWOT analysis is typically developed to showcase the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by these businesses on ongoing basis. As it relates to strengths, these businesses are always in demand given the highly in demand nature for the development of new commercial and municipal infrastructure. The gross margins generated are very high in the barriers to entry are extremely high.
For weaknesses, the biggest issue with these businesses that they do have very high ongoing operating expenses given that highly skilled engineers must be hired to provide services. Additionally, as with most engineering firms, large-scale insurance policies need to be acquired in the event that there is an issue with construction or a design flaw. This can result in millions of dollars worth of loss, and as such by having proper insurance place these risks can be mitigated.
For opportunities, these businesses can expand by simply hiring additional engineers that have skills in a number of different subsets of engineering. Some of these firms will also acquire third-party engineering firms so that revenues can be expanded through acquisition rather than by organic expansion via expanded marketing. These businesses do have near limitless opportunities for growth.
For threats, the biggest challenge faced by these companies is the fact that the economic recession can stymie new investment. Additionally, many government contracts are usually curtailed in the event of a severe economic recession. However, civil engineers will always be in demand given the strong need to have safe and secure infrastructure.
Banks, lenders, and private investors love the place money with new civil engineering firms given the fact that these businesses generate highly predictable streams revenue in all economic climates. Of course, civil engineering firm business plan is going to be required. This business plan should feature a three year profit and loss statement, cash analysis, balance sheet, breakeven analysis, and business ratios page. Most importantly, in overview of what collateral is going to be used with the business loan or working capital one credit should be provided to the financial institution or private investor as well. As it relates to industry research, there are approximately 150,000 engineering firms within the United States and each year they generate about $250 billion revenue. The industry employs 1.3 million people.
A competitive analysis should also be included within the business plan especially among companies that specifically go after commercial and residential commercial, residential, and government contracts. The competition among companies that engage in government contracting is substantial given the highly predictable streams of revenue generated. As such, in overview of the other companies that we bidding on similar projects should be included within the documentation submitted to a financial institution or bank. A demographic analysis showcasing the anticipated revenues, profits, and annual expenditures on new infrastructure projects should also be included within the business plan as well with a specific focus on real estate developers, real estate investors, and municipal agencies.
A civil engineering firm marketing plan also needs to be developed so that customers and contracts can be easily bid upon once operations commence. As it relates to government contracting, the civil engineering firm should have all applicable licensure in place while concurrently being able to provide evidence of the fact that they can complete any project that they bid on. This is a complex and expensive process, and many firms will hire a third-party government contracts agent in order to manage the bidding process. While this can be expensive, once acquired – a government contract is highly valuable and can provide extensive amount of profits to the business. While this can be a very large upfront expense, the results can be phenomenal from a financial standpoint.
As it pertains to working with real estate developers and related entities, civil engineering firms always must maintain an expensive web presence that showcases exactly what services they offer, contact information, biographies of staff engineers, and other relevant information in order to assist people in making a determination as to whether or not to use the firm. This website is typically list among all major search engines. One of the key things within this industry is that many entrepreneurs and start their own civil engineering firms typically have strong and ongoing relationships with engineers, architects, tradesmen, and related entities that will call upon the company when specific projects are needed. This is typically the best way in order to develop revenues at the onset of operations for civil engineering firm.
These are exciting businesses to operate and given the strong demand for civil engineering services – there highly economically secure. There is really nothing about this industry that is going to change over the next 10 years except for the fact that technologies can continue to be integrated into every facet of civil engineering. As such, these can be highly lucrative small to medium-size businesses for a qualified professional engineer or entrepreneur that is going to be able to enter this field.