Fast Food Restaurant Business Plan, Marketing Plan, How To Guide, and Funding Directory
The Fast Food Restaurant Business Plan and Business Development toolkit features 18 different documents that you can use for capital raising or general business planning purposes. Our product line also features comprehensive information regarding to how to start a Fast Food Restaurant business. All business planning packages come with easy-to-use instructions so that you can reduce the time needed to create a professional business plan and presentation.
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Fast food restaurants are one of the most popular types of eateries within the United States. Many of these businesses operate in a franchise capacity although there are many independently owned and operated small fast food restaurants. The demand for artisan produced burgers, hot dogs, chicken entrées, and related American cuisine has become extremely popular over the past 20 years has more people identify themselves as foodies. As such, a number of well-known chefs and aspiring restaurant tours will thickly develop a small fast food restaurant in order to generate a significant amount of revenue to this very high transactional business. Typically, a new fast food restaurant can cost as little as $150,000 to start all the way up to about $1 million depending on whether or not a standalone facility that is built to a franchise or specifications is required. If the fast food restaurant is part of a franchise system than they are going to need to have a significant amount of additional capital on hand in order to comply with the franchise disclosure document. However, for an independently owned and operated fast food restaurant start up costs typically are significantly lower. Generally, the gross margins generated from sales are 65% to 75% on food sales beverage sales carry a gross margin of around 85% to 90%.
As these businesses carry a low pricing point for their cuisine, they are relatively immune from negative changes in the economy. As such, most banks and lenders are willing to put up the necessary capital in order to complete the build out of the fast food restaurant location, acquire fixtures, furniture, and equipment, as well as providing a modest amount of working capital. Fast food restaurants that are operating in a franchise capacity frequently have an easier time gaining access to capital given that the brand name of the business is already been established. However, independently owned and operated fast food restaurants also have a significant amount of ability to raise capital given a large tangible asset base associated with the business. As with all capital raising activities, a fast food restaurant business plan is going to be required. This business plan should include a three-year profit and loss statement, cash flow analysis, balance sheet, breakeven analysis, and business ratios page. These business plan should also include significant industry research as it relates to the fast food industry. The common trends within this industry include offering a much wider selection of food choices given that many people have dietary restrictions. As a whole, the restaurant industry generates in excess of $700 billion per year and employs about 14 million people.
Also included in the business plan should be a thorough demographic study of the target market. This includes discussing population size, population density, median household income, median family income, percentage of people under the age of 50, and percentage of people under the age of 18. This analysis should also focus on the competition that the business will face as it progresses through its operations. Many fast restaurants are highly established brand names that are cultural icons within American society. As such, it is incumbent upon the entrepreneur that is looking to start a fast food restaurant to develop a number of differentiating factors as it relates to their operations. For most independently owned and operated fast food restaurants this is to the use of organic and top shelf ingredients as well as providing a much higher quality of product to the general public.
As it relates to marketing, a franchised fast food restaurant is going to have a substantial amount of support from the franchise were. This often includes national level print in print, TV, radio, and general advertising campaigns. It can be expected that the owner of a franchised fast restaurants will be required to spend about 2% of aggregate revenues towards marketing expenses. These fees are often exclusive of the ongoing franchise fees and royalty fees that are associated with being related to a franchise were. For an independently owned and operated fast food restaurant, and on your should expect to spend at least 6% to 8% of overall revenues for developing the brand-name visibility of the business. This is primarily due to the fact that there is going to need to be a significant upfront marketing cost in order to ensure that the business is able to generate a customer base from the onset of operations.
An online presence, especially for an independently owned location, is imperative in order for a fast food restaurant to become successful. This website should showcase the menu, pricing, provide images of the location, and in some cases feature e-commerce functionality that allows individuals to place orders directly over the website. This is become a very popular trend among restaurants so that they are able to boost their revenues. It should be noted that there are a number of third-party merchant account providers that can provide the functionality necessary in order to receive orders from the Internet.
As it relates to an independently owned fast food restaurant, a presence on social media is extremely important as well. A profile on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+ is imperative for these businesses to boost their visibility. Most importantly, there should be profile pages on third-party restaurant review sites such as and trip as well. Once a fast restaurant developed a strong following on social media it becomes very easy to send out discount coupons for drinks, food, and other accommodations that are provided at the restaurant location. A social media consultant can be hired to manage the social media presence of a fast food restaurant. As it relates to franchise locations, is almost exclusively managed by the franchise work how they handle FaceBook, Twitter, Google+, and other relevant social media marketing.
A fast food restaurant SWOT analysis should be produced as well. This document reviews the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that are common to these businesses. As it relates to strengths, the low pricing point for fast food cuisine usually allows them to remain profitable in most economic climates. However, this requires that the owner operator maintain strict pricing controls to ensure that any input costs will not impact overall profitability. For franchised locations, they benefit substantially from the already established brand name that is being licensed by the franchise or. For weaknesses, like any other fast food business there are always going to be issues with managing a large number of employees, dealing with inventory spoilage, and maintaining a marketing campaign that draws people to the location on a daily basis. For opportunities, as it relates to franchised fast food restaurants most of these businesses like when they have an existing owner operator develop additional territories. There is a substantially reduced cost when a franchisee develops a second location as part of an overall fast food restaurant franchise system. Additional locations are really the only way that these businesses are able to scale their operations over the long run. For threats, more and more people are becoming concerned with their health and as such fast food restaurant revenues have been in flux over the past 10 years. However, this is been remedied substantially by the fact that many independently owned as well as franchised fast restaurants that offer a number of healthy options so that anyone is free to enjoy the cuisine at the facility.
Fast food restaurants is the most economically stable forms of eateries given the fact that they are usually able to trade on a brand name that has been established for several decades. While the startup costs are very high for these types of businesses and the barriers to entry are also very high, the return on equity investment can be significant provided at the owner operator maintain strict quality control, examines all underlying costs on a daily basis, and drives a significant amount of traffic to location weekly. There is really nothing that is good change about this industry over the next 10 to 20 years with the exception that automation may take the place of some employees especially as it relates to food preparation. However, these businesses will always remain popular with the American general public.