Pub Restaurant Business Plan, Marketing Plan, How To Guide, and Funding Directory
The Pub Restaurant Business Plan and Business Development toolkit features 18 different documents that you can use for capital raising or general business planning purposes. Our product line also features comprehensive information regarding to how to start a Pub Restaurant business. All business planning packages come with easy-to-use instructions so that you can reduce the time needed to create a professional business plan and presentation.
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Pubs have become extremely popular over the past three decades as they are a low-cost way for people to enjoy a meal and an alcoholic beverage. Over the past few years, more and more pub restaurants operate in a similar capacity to that of a sports bar. However, unlike their sports bar counterparts most pub restaurants operate in a more focused restaurant capacity with a focus on providing full entrées to their customers. The gross margins generated from the sale of food and beverages at these facilities typically ranges anywhere from 60% to 85% depending on the type of cuisine offered. One of the most important revenue centers for a pub is the sale of alcoholic beverages. In almost all instances, a pub restaurant will maintain a full liquor license allows them to sell beer, wine, and mixed drinks.
As it relates to the start up cost of a pub, usually these costs range anywhere from $100,000 all the way to $750,000 depending on the size and scope of the location. However, these expenses can vary greatly depending on the jurisdiction in which the entrepreneur is seeking a liquor license. In some states, the acquisition of a liquor license can be extremely expensive given that there are only a finite number of these are allowed to be in circulation at any given time. This hard cap on the number of liquor license available can greatly inflate the costs associated with starting a new pub. A qualified attorney and CPA can properly guide an entrepreneur as to the intricacies of obtaining a liquor license for a new business.
A complete demographic profile should be developed prior to establishing this type of business. A full examination of the population size, population density, median household income, median family income, percentage of people under the age of 65, and percentage of people who eat out on a weekly basis should be thoroughly examined. Within this documentation, before competitive analysis should also be included which not only discusses other pubs but also other restaurants within the market. Most importantly, it is imperative that the entrepreneur develop a profile that showcases sports bars within the targeted market given that these are to be the primary competitors to the pub restaurant. A localized marketing and advertising firm can assist in entrepreneur with developing this type of documentation and competitive analysis given that they maintain profiles on almost all local businesses.
If an entrepreneur is seeking capital for a new pub restaurant and a business plan is going to be required. This business plan should feature a three year profit and loss statement, cash analysis, balance sheet, breakeven analysis, and business ratios page. As it relates to industry research, restaurants as a whole generally in excess of $720 billion per year of revenue. The industry provides jobs to more than 14 million people and in each of the last five years aggregate payrolls have exceeded $200 billion. This is a mature industry and the growth rate of restaurants moving forward will be roughly equal to that of the economy as a whole. There are not going to be many changes that affect this industry given that many people eat out at least once a week. However, as it relates to certain restaurants automation may have an impact on the overall profitability of these businesses. It should be noted that a restaurant like a pub is pretty immune from negative changes in the economy as well as changes in the way that a restaurant will operate.
A pub restaurant marketing plan needs to be developed as well. Foremost, the pub needs to maintain an expensive profile on a number of social media pages as well as maintaining a large-scale standalone website. It is imperative that profiles on FaceBook, Google+, Twitter, and Instagram are maintained so that people can quickly find the business and recommend the business to their friends, coworkers, and families. Many social media platforms now allow for reviews and recommendations to be placed directly onto the businesses social media page. Over the long haul, maintain these pages will greatly boost the visibility of the business also providing a strong level of trust among potential customers that are looking to eat at a pub style restaurant. Beyond social media, the pub restaurants own website should feature the file menu, images the location, contact information, hours of operation, and how to reach the restaurant. If applicable, information regarding catering services should also be placed on this platform as well. The owner should have the website listed among all major search engines including Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Prior to the onset of operations, many pub restaurant owners will distribute a number of flyers and print advertisements to customers within a 10 mile radius of the location. These flyers and advertisements were usually features discounts on beverages and cuisine in order to drive traffic to location at the onset of operations. This is an important method of marketing and most restaurant entrepreneurs will typically maintain a grand opening marketing campaign for at least three months after the opening date.
Although it is expensive, a restaurant marketing firm can be hired to properly position the pub restaurant within the general public. However, if this is going to be a small size restaurant in the usage of a restaurant consulting firm may be a little out of reach for a smaller operation. However, larger restaurants can benefit tremendously by having a dedicated expert properly market the restaurant within the company’s target market radius.
A pub SWOT analysis should be produced as well. As it relates to strengths, pub restaurants are relatively immune from negative changes in the economy given that there is a continued and strong demand for low-cost forms of nighttime entertainment, alcoholic beverages, and cuisine. The barriers to entry are considered moderate, and the gross margins generated are considered to moderate as well.
For weaknesses, much like any other type of restaurant business there is going to be continued competition not only from similar locations but other types of eateries as well. As such, it is imperative that the owner-operator developed a number protocols and procedures that allows the business to maintaining low-cost operating infrastructure while providing outstanding and expansive amount of cuisine to the general public. Operating costs associated with the restaurant are typically considered higher than other businesses. As such, it is important that the entrepreneur maintain close controls on all expenditures.
As it relates to opportunities, this is quite simple given that the entrepreneur can simply establish additional pub locations within areas outside the company’s initial target market radius. Additionally, many restaurant entrepreneurs will also seek to acquire already established restaurants there are already operational and profitable. Most banks and lenders are willing to provide the necessary capital for the acquisition of a restaurant that is profitable and has been in operation for at least two years.
For threats, a major economic recession or depression could have a significant impact on the top line income of the pub restaurant. However, this recession would need to be severe and ongoing before it would render this type of eatery unprofitable. Automation is not much of a risk for a pub restaurant given that this is very much a face-to-face business that requires a wait staff and bartenders.