Shared Office Building Business Plan, Marketing Plan, How To Guide, and Funding Directory
The Shared Office Building Business Plan and Business Development toolkit features 18 different documents that you can use for capital raising or general business planning purposes. Our product line also features comprehensive information regarding to how to start a Shared Office Building business. All business planning packages come with easy-to-use instructions so that you can reduce the time needed to create a professional business plan and presentation.
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Shared office buildings have become very popular over the past 10 years as more people decide to become entrepreneurs or acting a freelancing capacity. These businesses are able to generate extremely high-margin’s from the rental services given that they rent temporary space and small space to their clients. Usually within these facilities there are a number of amenities including Internet, shared common space, kitchen spaces, and other amenities that would be normally associated with a full-scale office. However, shared office buildings are able to make these services available at a much lower cost for the general public. Usually, shared office buildings and office share facilities charge anywhere from $200-$600 per month for the services. One of the nice things about this type of real estate business is that the barriers to entry are low. Usually, a new shared office building can be developed for as little as $250,000 only up to $1 million depending on the location of the business. Most financial institutions are happy to provide capital to real estate investment firms that are focusing on shared office facilities given the highly predictable streams of revenue generated and the tangible real estate being purchased.
As most entrepreneurs do use third-party capital to start these businesses, a business plan is often needed. Like any other type of business planning document a three-year profit and loss statement, cash flow analysis, balance sheet, breakeven analysis, and business ratios page should be developed to properly showcase the anticipated financial results of the business. Most importantly, a full analysis of the demographics within the target market should be examined as well including median household income, median family income, population density, population size, and a number of people that work as entrepreneurs or freelancers. There should also be an examination of how many new businesses are started each year within the target market especially as her relates to companies that offer services and require an office.
A shared office building marketing plan is also going to be required. Given the very high gross margins and very low barriers to entry for these types of services – the competition within this market is always significant. As such, within the marketing plan there should be a thorough discussion of the deals and offers that will be made available to the general public at the onset of operations in order to generate a tenant base. Also focus within the marketing plan should be the fact that the amenities offered by this shared office building exceed those of any competitor within the market. It is imperative that this business aggressively develop an online campaign so that people looking for office space can quickly find the business. This includes the development of a proprietary website while concurrently maintaining expansive social networking profiles on websites such as FaceBook and Twitter. Most importantly as well, and ongoing relationship with a real estate brokerage should be obtained so that people that inquire about office space can be referred to the company. This is one of the ways that many shared office buildings built develop their initial customer base at the onset of operations.
Also, a shared office building SWOT analysis should be developed as well. As it relates the strengths, these businesses can become highly lucrative and profitable once they reach near 100% capacity. It should be noted that most shared office buildings do not maintain a 100% occupancy at all times as many entrepreneurs and freelancers usually will move on to other things after a few months. As it relates to weaknesses, shared office buildings typically face a substantial amount of competition from other real estate investment firms that engage in this type of activity. Pertaining to opportunities, a shared office building company has the ability to acquire – either through a lease or through purchase – additional facilities that can be used to boost their revenues on a yearly basis. As it relates to threats, the primary threat faced by these companies are the fact that they are not immune from negative changes in the economy. During times of economic recession – many of these businesses can have some issue with their top line income as smaller businesses tend to struggle during these times. Additionally, many freelancers can see their top line revenues decline and as such may not require office space on an ongoing basis.