Website Developer Business Plan, Marketing Plan, How To Guide, and Funding Directory
The Website Developer Business Plan and Business Development toolkit features 18 different documents that you can use for capital raising or general business planning purposes. Our product line also features comprehensive information regarding to how to start a Website Developer business. All business planning packages come with easy-to-use instructions so that you can reduce the time needed to create a professional business plan and presentation.
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Almost every business these days requires a website. Having no presence on the Internet is simply not an option for most businesses as it was all people now use the major search engines in order to conduct their searches for specialized businesses. Any business that is seeking to increase its visibility is a potential customer for a website development firm. One of the nice things about owning and operating a web development business is that they are able to generate revenues from a number of different sources. Foremost, these companies are able to produce initial revenues by developing a website on behalf of a business client. Typically, a website typically has a development phase ranging anywhere from $500 to $5,000 depending on the functionality that needs to be integrated into the online platform. Many web development firms frequently also offer graphic design services and related services given that a website is really part of a company’s overall marketing operations.
Businesses that are engaged in e-commerce activities, are always in need of ongoing website development services in order to attract customers to have them make it purchase directly through the website. The second revenue center for most web development firms is the actual hosting of the website on their server or an affiliated server. This is important revenue center for most web development firms as it provides a highly recurring stream revenue for these businesses on an ongoing basis. Although the monthly fees associated with hosting a website typically range anywhere from $3 to $15 per month – once a web development firm has had several hundred clients that are using the company’s web hosting services this can become a major revenue source for the company. During times of economic recession, when businesses are not making drastic and new improvements to their websites, the web hosting component of many of these businesses can ensure that they are able to remain profitable at all times. The third revenue center for a web development firm typically stems from the ongoing maintenance that is associated with operating a website. Generally, these services are focused on ensuring that the security of the website has not been compromised and that the website is compliant with all rules and regulations especially if it is offering e-commerce capacity.
A web developer SWOT analysis should be developed as well. As it relates to strengths, these businesses once they are established are always able to remain profitable and they generate extremely high gross margins from their services. The startup costs are considered to be very low. A freelance web developer can launch their operations for as little as $1,000 to $5,000. However, a business that is actively engaged in the ongoing development of websites typically has a startup cost ranging anywhere from $50,000-$100,000. This is important to note given that most web development firms are going to need to have a number of specialist on staff as it relates to graphic design, coding, of course one of the nice things about the development of these businesses is that it can be scaled as the company grows. As such, one of the key strengths that these businesses as they are relatively easy to start.
For weaknesses, there is a tremendous amount of competition as it relates to web development. There are many businesses that operate on an outsourced capacity that are located in India and related Asian markets that are able to work at a low cost. However, many US-based businesses prefer to work with a US-based company given certain legal aspects of conducting operations overseas. As such, while competition is substantial – this can be mitigated by operating an onshore business.
As relates to opportunities, the ability for a web development firm to grow and expand is substantial. This can be one of the key ways in order to grow the business as it relates to generating a recurring revenue. Many web development firms focus significantly on developing programs that generate a recurring sure revenue on a monthly basis. This is important to note given that this will also boost the salable value of the business if the entrepreneur decides to divest the business to a third-party.
For threats, these businesses need to remain on the cutting edge of technology as it relates to graphic design, coding, and web development. This is especially true of the web development firm is can it developing niche within the e-commerce industry. One of the other key threat that needs to be dealt with on an ongoing basis is the tremendous amount of competition within this industry. As such, it is imperative that the web development firm integrating host of services into their operations in order to retain a competitive advantage over third-party providers.
Given the very high gross margins generated from services, recurring streams of revenue, and low operating expenses – most web development firms are strong candidates for bank financing via a business loan or working capital one credit. Of course, a web developer business plan is going to be developed and this should have a three-year profit and loss statement, cash analysis, balance sheet, breakeven analysis, and business ratios page. As it relates to the industry research specific to web developers – this is a $30 billion your industry that employs about 150,000 people. The growth of this industry is expected to remain strong as more and more people are looking to develop new businesses and will require a website. Additionally, the ongoing need for maintenance especially as relates to securities issues allows these firms to remain profitable at all times. If the web developers going to operate within a specific local or regional market and a full-scale demographic analysis should be carried out. They should outline the anticipated small business clients that the company will target, their annual revenues, their annual profits, and the amount of money that they are willing to spend on website development as well as ongoing information technology costs.
A web developer marketing plan needs to be developed as well – and this is going to be one of the most difficult aspects of the company’s operations given the highly competitive nature of this market. For most, a brilliantly designed proprietary website needs to be produced to showcase all the worker has been done in the past by the business. In fact, many web developers will create fictitious websites in order to have a portfolio that they can show to the general public. This website should be listed among all major search engines including Google, Bing, and Yahoo. As this is a web development business, many firms will undertake their own search engine optimization and pay per click marketing management in order to drive traffic to their website at the onset of operations. However, some companies do outsource their search engine optimization and an entrepreneur can expect that this will cost anywhere from $500 per month to $2,000 per month pending on the level of services required in order to boost the visibility of the business. Once established, search engine optimization operations can easily be brought in-house in order to reduce costs.
Although it is not completely necessary, most web development firms to maintain a modest profile on popular social networking websites. This is due to the fact that many entrepreneurs and small business communities to maintain pages where they are able to provide comprehensive referrals for service providers. As such, the demand for maintaining an appropriate social media profile will allow for the web development firm to have a stronger degree of visibility. On the social media platforms – the web developer can easily upload images and videos of previously completed work. However, most entrepreneurs that are in this field do not spend too much time promoting their business through social media platforms.
Many web developers operate on a local or regional level will also become enrolled in local chambers of commerce while concurrently developing ongoing relationships with advertising and agencies and marketing firms that can provide the business with an ongoing stream of referrals. This is one of the quickest ways in order to develop a quick customer base given that many people do require ongoing website development – and those who are not qualified to do so. As such, these businesses are able to generate immediate revenues if they operate on a local and regional basis. Many people do not feel comfortable working with a company that operates solely on the Internet – and a local web development firm can greatly assist in individual web development business with creating a clientele.
The ubiquitous nature of the Internet and applications allows for web development firms to become very lucrative businesses once they are established and can easily obtain clients. The demand for these services is expected to range strong in perpetuity even that was all people are now connected to the Internet and almost all businesses require a platform that allows them to be easily found. The growth of this industry will be substantial especially as more and more people adopt the use of Internet technology into their daily lives.