Wind Farm Business Plan, Marketing Plan, How To Guide, and Funding Directory
The Wind Farm Business Plan and Business Development toolkit features 18 different documents that you can use for capital raising or general business planning purposes. Our product line also features comprehensive information regarding to how to start a Wind Farm business. All business planning packages come with easy-to-use instructions so that you can reduce the time needed to create a professional business plan and presentation.
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Over the past five years, wind farms have become one of the most profitable aspects of the renewable energy market. Given that climate change is now a major part of all political discussion – the demand among citizens of almost every country in the world has shifted focus to electrical production using renewable means. As such, the demand for wind farms and wind turbines has grown exponentially over the past 10 years. The costs associated with developing a wind turbine have plummeted as more countries like the United States, China,India, and many European nations after their focus to this type of energy production. As such, factories are producing turbines and blades as fast as they possibly can for sale on a worldwide basis. With this increased supply, the costs associated with establishing a new wind farm have declined substantially. Although demand has increased the market has responded with a glut of supply as it relates to turbines and blades. The costs associated with establishing a new wind farm are about 20% to 30% less than they were about seven years ago. Generally, the costs associated with starting a small wind farm usually is about $10 million which allows for the establishment of about 50 turbines depending on the amount of energy that these devices can capture. The gross margins associated with operating a wind farm are extremely high with margins typically ranging anywhere from 70% to 95% depending on whether or not turbine maintenance is included within the cost of goods sold.
Almost all banks and lenders are willing to put up the needed capital in order to acquire turbines and blades given that they are highly tangible assets that can be easily relocated. Usually, a real estate developer or wind farm owner will be expected to put up about 10% of the total capital needed in order to launch this type of business. One of the best things are operating a wind farm is that revenues are generated immediately as energy is sold into electrical grid. The wind farm should have a relationship with an energy distributor so that all revenues can be produced once the turbines are ready to go into operation. The wind farm business plan should include a three-year profit and loss statement, cash flow analysis, balance sheet, breakeven analysis, and business ratios page. Although it is not necessary to develop a demographic analysis for this type of business given that the electrical production will be sold directly into the electrical grid.
As it relates to wind farm marketing plan, this can be very minimal. Given that these businesses do not cater directly to the general public but rather a group of energy distributors and energy wholesalers – most marketing is focused on the fact that the business is able to provide renewable energy into the electrical grid. Additionally, some firms will make annual donations to renewable energy groups that promote awareness and interest in converting electrical grid to wind power.
A wind farm SWOT analysis should be developed as well. This document focuses on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that are faced by these that the companies. As it relates to strengths, the wind farm is always going to be able to produce revenues from the ongoing sell electricity. Additionally, the demand for alternatively produced electricity has grown substantially over the past 10 years and will continue to do so for at least the next 50 years. For weaknesses, this is becoming a highly competitive market and as more turbines are placed into the energy grid the rates related to kilowatt hours may decline slightly. However, worldwide energy demand is increasing at a very quick rate given that many people now using number of electronic devices. This demand will also increase as the number of electrical vehicles on the road increases as well. For opportunities, a simple way to expand a wind farm business is to establish additional farms or place additional turbines on the initial property. As it relates to threats, one of the ongoing issues it’s going to face is the downward pressure placed on the kilowatt hour prices that are associated with electrical distribution. As more wind farms are developed and as more solar energy farms are come online there is going to be significant downward pricing pressure. However, and again – increasing worldwide energy demand will alleviate some of these risks given that people now use substantially more energy on a day-to-day basis that they did 20 years ago.